When looking to save that extra bit of money each year, why not consider fortifying the insulation in your home? A large portion of your annual budget is consumed by your energy bills and oftentimes at an unnecessary rate. A great way to stretch that budget a little farther is to re-evaluate the condition of the insulation in some of the forgotten spaces of your home.
Harrell King Heating & Air is the most reliable HVAC contractor for all of Southwest Georgia, including the Thomasville and Bainbridge areas. Our insulation specialists are here to see to it that your home is handled with care!
Call us today at 229-692-7404 or contact us online for more information!
Blown-in insulation, also referred to as “blown” insulation, is a great solution for unfinished attics and spaces that are generally difficult to reach. While the U.S. Department of Energy recommends that attic spaces be insulated to R-49 or higher, they estimate that most attics actually have an R-20 or lower insulation rate. Blown-in insulation helps to evenly insulate the gaps where thermal energy can be lost.
Here are some other great benefits:
When it’s time to revamp the insulation in your home, Harrell King Heating & Air has you covered! Our expert insulation installers will have your home thermally optimized in no time! Call us today at 229-692-7404 to schedule your service or contact us online.
Air leaks and gaps in thermal coverage in key spaces like your attic can account for a decent percentage of wasted household energy. Insulation specialists recommend sealing these leak points and ensuring that your home has full-coverage insulation in these areas. By taking these measures, it’s estimated that you can decrease heating and cooling costs by as much as 40%! Who wouldn’t want to take advantage of that?
Blown-in insulation is one of the most cost-effective methods of insulating any space. Plus, the installation is a breeze compared to other methods, such as fiberglass batting. You could have your space fully insulated and be reaping the benefits in half the time!
The two most common materials used by insulation installers are fiberglass blown insulation and blown cellulose. Both materials have a similar R-value and a fluffy consistency, which is great for insulating small, difficult-to-reach places.
The loose fibers are shredded and blown through a machine outside of the home and fed through a long tube. Our insulation installation specialist will be inside the space that you are looking to insulate, carefully directing the flow of materials for an even distribution.
There has never been a better time to rejuvenate the insulation in your Southwest Georgia home. The insulation specialists at Harrell King Heating & Air have been satisfying the comfort needs of Thomasville, GA, and the surrounding areas for over three decades.
Contact us today at 229-692-7404 or contact us online for more information on our available services!